Lincoln Hill Nursery
Lincoln Hill Nursery
Established in 1984, Lincoln Hill Nursery in Hinesburg, Vermont, came into existence as an attempt to satisfy my insatiable appetite for growing unusual plants. In addition, I needed to provide our landscaping company with hard to find, specimen plants that create instant impact in our garden designs. At only one acre in size, it is considered small in comparison to most commercial nurseries. But it contains over 200 varieties of field cultivated trees and shrubs grown in native soil, not plastic pots. As much a plant collection as a nursery, one will discover a diversity of ornamental treasures with an emphasis on slow growing, weeping and rare conifers, many varieties of hardy deciduous azaleas and several species of less common ornamental trees and shrubs. Many plants are not sold until 10-15 yrs. old and represent unique specimens that will enhance our clients gardens.